• 4 Tips For Couples Going Through Divorce Mediation

    If you will soon be going through divorce mediation with your spouse, you may not know what to expect during the process. Divorce mediation is a way to work out how to handle the divorce with a neutral mediator, who will help you make decisions and come to an agreement on issues. It prevents you from going through the costly process of going to trial, and gives you control over the final outcome.
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  • Your Divorce Is Final...Or Is It?

    Most people are very relieved to see their divorce paperwork finally arrive. The final decree or petition is composed of everything the parties agree to and addresses everything from child custody to debt. Unfortunately, it might not be final in some situations. Read on to find out more. Most Divorce Decrees Have These Elements A quick glance at a divorce decree will prove that it's made up of a wide range of provisions addressing different issues.
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  • Convincing Reasons To Choose Divorce Mediation Instead Of A Litigated Divorce

    When you want to end your marriage, you may think that will have a lengthy legal process ahead of you. You may also believe that you must appear before a judge and hire expensive attorneys to represent you. However, you do not need to go through a traditional litigated process to terminate your union. You can use divorce mediation rather than enduring a lengthy and expensive trial. Read on to learn the benefits of divorce mediation.
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  • Have Children Under 18? What To Know About Creating An Estate Plan For Them

    Are you in the process of starting estate planning, but not sure if you need a will or a trust? This can be very confusing when you have children that are under the age of 18 since if you were to pass away prematurely there needs to be a decision about what happens with your assets. The two main ways to handle it are with either a will or a trust.
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