• The Essential Times to Review Your Estate Plan

    Estate planning is not a one-time affair. Life’s inevitable changes mean your estate plan should be a living document, one that reflects your current circumstances and wishes. Here are several critical instances when it's imperative to review your estate plan to ensure it still aligns with your goals and legal requirements. After Major Life Events Marriage or Divorce A change in marital status is a significant life event that necessitates a review of your estate plan.
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  • The Five Things You Need to Know About Criminal Defense Laws

    The criminal justice system can be overwhelming, and if you or a loved one is facing charges, you need to have a good understanding of criminal defense laws. It's important to know your rights and what kind of defense strategy can be used to help you navigate through the legal system. Here's a look at five things that everyone should know about criminal defense laws and how they can be used to protect your rights.
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