• Debt Division During Divorce

    During divorce proceedings, division of assets and property is one of the highly contested issues. However, couples rarely think of what happens to debt in case they decide to end their marriage. In divorce cases, outstanding bills are usually factored in as the couple will get a share of their net worth. Ideally, couples should settle all their debts before they file for a divorce. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, so the court will take over the responsibility of dividing the debts incurred when dealing with the assets.
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  • Divorcing? Before You Sell Your Engagement Ring And Wedding Band, Read This

    If you're going through a divorce, you may not exactly enjoy looking at your engagement ring and wedding band right now. You probably don't feel much like wearing them either. The emotional symbolism of the rings may have changed for you, and they certainly send a message (you're in a committed relationship) that's no longer true. If money's tight, you may be especially tempted to just sell the rings and be done with them.
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  • Can You Use Your Spouse's Criminal Record As A Way To Gain Custody?

    If you're in the process of divorcing your child's other parent, you may be worried about how this temporary upheaval will affect your child's psyche in the long term. You may desire to keep his or her life as close to the old "normal" as possible by maintaining primary physical and legal custody in exchange for child support from your ex-spouse. However, if your ex-spouse chooses to fight you for joint custody, you may find yourself facing a lengthy court battle.
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  • Divorce When You Have A High Net Worth: 3 Things To Consider

    While no one enters into a marriage thinking that it will end in divorce, it's important that you are prepared to deal with the problems a divorce can create. For individuals with a high net worth, divorce can present some unique challenges when it comes to dissolving a marriage. Here are three things that you should consider before finalizing your divorce arrangement if you (or your spouse) have a high net worth.
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  • Avoid These 5 Financial Pitfalls During Your Divorce

    Divorce is a time of great upheaval, and it's only natural to be stressed out and emotional. You may not be placing a high priority on your financial situation at this time, but failing to do so could mean making mistakes that could haunt you and your childrens' lives for some time. Taking the time to do some planning now, before your divorce is final, could create opportunities that pave the way for a healthier financial picture in the future.
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  • Using Insanity As Grounds For A Divorce

    Insanity or mental illness is an acceptable ground for divorce. However, it comes with some potential complications that you should know before making your divorce application. Here are three such complications: The Required Level of Proof Is Challenging Because insanity is such a devastating and complicated health condition, you would think that it would be easy to divorce a mentally ill spouse. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth.
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  • Three Signs Your Divorce Will Require A Divorce Attorney

    Some divorces go as smoothly as planned, while others tend to blow up in a big way. How can you tell which one yours is likely to be? Will your spouse stick to the agreement and allow you to have an uncontested divorce, or change his or her mind at the last minute? It really depends on circumstances and the relationship itself as well as your personalities. Here are some signs you may observe in the situation or relationship that could indicate that an amicable divorce isn't in the cards.
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  • 3 Ways To Deal With The Hurdles Of A Military Divorce

    Dealing with a divorce is stressful enough, but finding out that your spouse has left you when you were overseas serving your country can be even more difficult to handle. Now, you are stuck trying to figure things out while dealing with being on a temporary leave and facing going back overseas. To help you get through your divorce case as quickly and painlessly as possible, here are a couple of ways to deal with all of the hurdles of a military divorce.
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  • Understanding Child Custody For Grandparents

    If you are the grandparent of a child who needs some guidance and protection, and they are currently not in a good situation at home, it may be prudent to file for custody. While every situation is different, there are circumstances when the courts will deem the grandparents fit to become the sole guardian of their grandchildren. If you are currently dealing with the possibility of filing for custody, here are some things the court will take into consideration.
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  • When The Lie Is Over: Separating From A Transgendered Spouse

    Nothing can prepare you for the shock of being confronted by a spouse that suddenly reveals that they have been assigned the wrong gender at birth and that they wish to live as a different gender. Feelings of shock and betrayal are intermingled by the enormity of the deception, and may often lead to anger and a desire for revenge. This is not good for anyone involved, especially if their are children involved.
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